
Bachelor Fiscal Economics 2017-18

Please read the Addendum to Chapter XVI SBE Bachelor’s study programmes, article 16.8 in the SBE BSc EER 2023-2024 and the Transitional Regulations for BSc Fiscal Economics, Appendix I article 8 in the SBE BSc EER 2023-2024.

This addendum contains:
1. a change to the curriculum of the Bachelor’s study programme Fiscal Economics (BSc FE) as from academic year 2023-2024 and the corresponding new transitional regulations for students who started their BSc FE in academic year 2021-2022 or 2022-2023; and
2. a change to the transitional regulations for students who started BSc FE in academic year 2020-2021 and earlier.

In case the outline in the EER Addendum is different from the one shown below, follow the EER Addendum outline.

Please note: It is no longer possible to enrol for this programme via Studielink because this programme will no longer be offered by Maastricht University as of September 2024.
Current students and students starting in September 2023 will still be able to follow and finish this programme in full.
Year 1 BSc Fiscal Economics
YearSemester 1Period 1EBC1003 Management of Organisations and MarketingEBC1007 Quantitative Methods I
Period 2EBC1011 MicroeconomicsEBC1015 Accounting
Period 3EBS1001 Reflections on Academic Discourse 
Semester 2Period 4EBC1019 MacroeconomicsEBC1035 Quantitative Methods II
Period 5EBC1027 FinanceEBC1031 International Economic Relations
Period 6EBS1007 Economy Game 
Year 2 BSc Fiscal Economics
YearSemester 1Period 1EBC2128 PrivaatrechtEBC2002 Accounting II
Period 2TAX3003 Kostprijsverhogende BelastingenEBC2006 Financial Markets
Period 3EBS2001 Quantitative Methods III 
Semester 2Period 4ElectiveEBC2127 Public Finance
Period 5EBC2129 Structuur Loon en Inkomstenbelasting
Period 6EBS2030 Presentation Skills 
Year 3 BSc Fiscal Economics
YearSemester 1Period 1TAX2001 Hoofdzaken Formeel BelastingrechtPRI3002 Inleiding Ondernemings- en FaillissementsrechtBachelor Thesis
Period 2EBC2017 Design of Tax SystemsTAX3004 Winst uit Onderneming
Period 3 
Semester 2Period 4TAX3005 VennootschapsbelastingEBC2057 Internal Control and Accounting Information Systems 
Period 5TAX3008 Nederlands Internationaal BelastingrechtEBC2056 International Financial Accounting
Period 6 

The first-year Bachelor's exam for the study programme in Fiscal Economics is composed of two semesters, comprising:

  • eight (8) compulsory courses of 6.5 credits per course; and
  • two (2) compulsory skills trainings of 4.0 credits per skills training.

Final Bachelor’s exam (Bachelor year two and three)
The final Bachelor's exam is composed of four semesters.
The first semester comprises:

  • four (4) compulsory courses of 6.5 credits per course; and
  • one (1) compulsory skills trainings of 4.0 credits.

The second semester comprises:

  • one (1) compulsory course of 13.0 credits per course;
  • one (1) compulsory course of 6.5 credits per course;
  • one (1) elective course of 6.5 credits per course; and
  • one (1) compulsory skills trainings of 4.0 credits.

The third and fourth semester comprises:

  • eight (8) compulsory courses of 6.5 credits per course;
  • one (1) Bachelor's thesis of 8.0 credits.