
Bachelor Econometrics and Operations Research 2017-18

Year 1 BSc Econometrics and Operations Research
YearSemester 1Period 1EBC1036 Quantitative Introduction to BusinessEBC1016 Analysis IEBC1008 Linear AlgebraEBS1008 Orientation
Period 2EBC1012 MicroeconomicsEBS1008 Orientation
Period 3EBS1001 Reflections on Academic Discourse 
Semester 2Period 4EBC1020 MacroeconomicsEBC1032 Analysis IIEBC1024 Probability TheoryEBS1008 Orientation
Period 5EBC1028 FinanceEBS1008 Orientation
Period 6 EBS1008 Orientation
Year 2 BSc Econometrics and Operations Research
YearSemester 1Period 1EBC2105 OptimisationEBC2001 Macroeconomics and Finance
Period 2EBC2016 ProgrammingEBC2110 Game Theory and Economics
Period 3EBS2002 Second year Project I
Semester 2Period 4EBC2107 Mathematical StatisticsEBC2106 Operations Research
Period 5EBC2111 Econometric Methods IEBC2108 Information, Markets, and Organisations
Period 6EBS2003 Second year Project II
Year 3 BSc Econometrics and Operations Research
YearSemester 1Period 1Study Abroad 
Period 2
Period 3EBS2043 Introduction to Software in Econometrics, Operations Research and Actuarial Science
Semester 2Period 4Select two courses from:
EBC2120 Econometric Methods II
or EBC2121 Allocations and Algorithms
or EBC2122 Actuarial Mathematics
or EBC2091 Auctions and Electronic Markets
Period 5EBC2151 Econometrics and OR Modelling
or EBC2124 Actuarial Modelling
Period 6EBS2044 Writing a Bachelor Thesis Ect, Or, Act Sc

The first-year Bachelor's exam for the study programme in Econometrics and Operations Research is composed of two semesters, comprising:

  • eight (8) compulsory courses of 6.5 credits per course; and
  • two (2) compulsory skills trainings of 4.0 credits per skills training.

Final Bachelor’s exam (Bachelor year two and three)
The final Bachelor's exam is composed of four semesters.
The first and second semester comprises:

  • eight (8) compulsory courses of 6.5 credits per course; and
  • two (2) compulsory skills trainings of 4.0 credits per skills training.

The third and fourth semester comprises:

  • a study abroad period of 26.0 credits;
  • one (1) compulsory skills training of 4.0 credits;
  • two (2) courses of 6.5 credits chosen from a specific set of disciplinary courses;
  • one (1) elective course of 6.5 credits; and
  • one (1) Bachelor's thesis of 10.5 credits, consisting of and covering one (1) Bachelor's thesis related course of 6.5 credits and one (1) skills training of 4.0 credits, which must be written during one of the above mentioned course periods and a skills training period.

A maximum of 4.0 credits of the study abroad requirements can be substituted by doing an internship.
A maximum of 6.5 credits of the study abroad requirements can be substituted by doing a summer course abroad. Guidelines are published on MySBE Intranet.
A combination of a summer course and an internship in order to substitute credits for the study abroad is not allowed.