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Bachelor International Business 2023-2024

Year 1 Bachelor International Business 2023-2024
YearS1P1EBC1001 Management of Organisations and MarketingEBC1005 Quantitative Methods IEBS1001 Philosophy of Science
P2EBC1009 Economics and BusinessEBC1037 Accounting and Financial Reporting
S2P4EBC1017 StrategyEBC1033 Quantitative Methods II 
P5EBC1025 FinanceEBC1029 Fundamentals of Supply Chain Management
P6EBS1005 Management Game 
Year 2 Bachelor International Business 2024-2025
YearS1P1EBC2165 Managerial Finance and AccountingEBC2008 Management of Organisations
P2EBC2009 Marketing ManagementEBC2021 Global Business
P3EBS2001 Quantitative Methods III 
S2P4EBC2003 Management Information SystemsEBC2020 Corporate Governance
P5EBC2022 Management of Operations and Product DevelopmentEBC2158 Entrepreneurship and Small Business Management
P6Elective skill 

Year 3 Bachelor International Business 2025-2026

Major Accounting

Major Entrepreneurship

Major Finance

Major Information Management

Major Marketing

Major Organisation

Major Strategy

Major Supply Chain Management

For the full text, see Chapter XVI SBE Bachelor’s study programmes from the Bachelor Education and Examination Regulations for academic year 2023-2024.

The first-year Bachelor’s exam for the study programmes in Business Analytics, Econometrics and Operations Research, Economics and Business Economics, Fiscal Economics and International Business is composed of two semesters comprising eight (8) compulsory courses of 6.5 ECTS credits per course, and two (2) compulsory skills trainings of 4.0 ECTS credits per skills training. The final Bachelor’s exam for the study programme in International Business is composed of four semesters; semester three, four, five and six. The composition and requirements of the final Bachelor’s exam and the four semesters is dependent on whether the students have chosen the regular programme or the specialisation Emerging Markets: The third and fourth semester comprises eight (8) compulsory courses of 6.5 ECTS credits per course; one (1) compulsory skills training of 4.0 ECTS credits; and one (1) elective skills training of 4.0 ECTS credits. The fifth and sixth semester comprises a study abroad period abroad of 26.0 ECTS credits, two (2) elective courses of 6.5 ECTS credits per course in the format of the majors as specified below and in the Outline Study Programmes on MySBE Intranet, two (2) elective courses of 6.5 ECTS credits per course and one (1) Bachelor’s thesis of 8.0 ECTS credits. In order to meet the exam requirements within the available space for elective courses in the Bachelor of Science in International Business (no specialisation) programme, students need to choose: One (1) elective skills trainings from the elective skills trainings list provided in the Outline Study Programme in the fourth semester; and one (1) elective course from the Business electives list provided in the Outline Study Programme, one (1) elective course from either the Quantitative Economics electives list, the Economics electives list, the Ethics electives list or the Law electives list provided in the Outline Study Programme, and two (2) elective courses from one of the majors in the fifth and sixth semester, as specified in the Outline Study Programme. Exception: Students who choose two (2) elective courses within the major Accounting may choose taking all four (4) elective courses within the major Accounting, thus replacing the other elective courses. This option is only available when the courses are followed in the sixth semester. No elective courses are possible within the major Entrepreneurship, this major only consists of compulsory courses.