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Master International Business
Specialisation Strategy and Innovation 2023-2024

Year 1 Master International Business - Specialisation Strategy and Innovation 2023-2024 (start in September)
YearS1P1EBC4041 Strategic Entrepreneurship and InnovationEBC4280 Research in International BusinessEBS4025 Writing a Master's Thesis Proposal: IB- Strategy
P2EBC4044 International Competitive Analysis and StrategyElective
S2P4EBC4269 Knowledge, Innovation and Technological Change EMTH0001 Master's Thesis
or Thesis Internship Programme
P5EBC4106 Business Innovation and Sustainable Development 

Master's Thesis will be registered by the Education and Exams Office once you have completed the prerequisite skill EBS4025.

For the full text, see Chapter XIV SBE Master’s study programmes from the Master Education and Examination Regulations for academic year 2023-2024.

The Master’s exam for the study programme MSc International Business, is composed of five (5) compulsory courses of 6.5 ECTS credits per course, one (1) elective course of 6.5 ECTS credits, one (1) compulsory skills training of 4.0 ECTS credits, and the Master’s thesis of 17.0 ECTS credits. In order to meet the exam requirements within the available space for elective courses in the different specialisations of the Master International Business, students need to choose one (1) elective course from the available Master’s electives list per specialisation as provided in the Study Outline on MySBE Intranet.