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Master Business Research
Specialisation Operations Research 2023-2024

Please note: It is no longer possible to enrol for this programme via Studielink because this programme will no longer be offered by Maastricht University as of September 2024.
Current students and students starting in September 2023 will still be able to follow and finish this programme in full.
Courses of the Business Research master’s programme will continue to be offered until and including academic year 2025-2026 with exam opportunities running until and including 2026-2027.
Year 1 Master Business Research - Specialisation Operations Research
YearS1P1EBC4004 Stochastic ProcessesEBC4188 Game Theory and OptimisationEBS4032 World of Research
P2EBC4049 Algorithms and OptimisationElective 1
P3EBS4044 Computational Research Skills (Research Master) 
S2P4EBC4051 Advanced Operations ResearchElective 1
P5EBC4187 Operations Research ApplicationsElective 1
Year 2 Master Business Research - Specialisation Operations Research
YearS1P1Elective 1Elective 1
P2Elective 1Elective 1
P3EBS4021 Research Communication Skills 
S2P4Master's Thesis 2
or Thesis Internship Programme
P6EBS4024 Writing a Referee Report

EBS4024 is only available to Research Master students who are missing 2 ECTS or less in their study plan in order to graduate.
Small ECTS deficits may arise if students have taken courses outside UM with different ECTS per course.

1 You may also choose courses offered by the LNMB (Dutch national OR network), or courses that are part of the DACS Master programmes.

2 Master's Thesis will be registered by the Education and Exams Office once you have completed the skill EBS4021.

For the full text, see Chapter XIV SBE Master’s study programmes from the Master Education and Examination Regulations for academic year 2023-2024.

The Master of Science exam for the study programme in Business Research, specialisation Operations Research, is composed of four semesters. The first two semesters of the programme comprise five (5) compulsory courses of 6.5 ECTS credits per course three (3) elective courses of 6.5 ECTS credits per course and two (2) compulsory skills trainings of 4.0 ECTS credits per skills training. The third and fourth semester consists of one (1) compulsory skills training of 4.0 ECTS credits, four (4) elective courses of 6.5 ECTS credits per course: these courses are offered at the SBE, or at selected universities (abroad) and in joint graduate programmes in which the SBE participates, and the Master’s thesis of 30.0 ECTS credits. In order to meet the exam requirements within the available space for elective courses in the Master of Science in the BR programme, specialisation Operations Research, students need to choose seven (7) elective courses, freely chosen from the available courses within the SBE Research master’s curriculum and electives approved by GSBE, or courses offered by the LNMB (Dutch National OR Network), or courses that are part of the DACS Master programmes. Taking courses not offered by SBE or in deviation from the below mentioned outline, requires approval by GSBE and the Board of Examiners. In the fourth semester, an extra skills training of 4.0 ECTS credits is available for students who are missing 2.0 ECTS credits or less to graduate because of the combination of elective courses with different ECTS credits per course.